2 events found.
20- 21st century Music Festival
keyboard concepts of santa monicaChair: Susanna Safarian-Tarontsi please email Susannah Safarian Tarontsi to signup s.tarontsi@hotmail.com february 10th is deadline to sign up. Event Date: Sunday , February 23 12:00 -2:00 P.M. Location: Keyboard concepts (santa…
20th/21st Century Festival
keyboard Comcepts, Santa MonicaSign up: copy and paste the link (all 3 lines) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vgkmWkVuxisbV57etDglDYJU0I0XESFCeCpDcDFzi74/edit copy and paste it into your browser https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vgkmWkVuxisbV57etDglDYJU0I0XESFCeCpDcDFzi74/edit PLAYING TIME AND ELIGIBILITY Each teacher is allowed a maximum…